
Research Help

Traveler Databases for Students

Student Resources –Elementary & Middle School
Early World of Learning (World Book)
Encyclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
Kids Search (EBSCO) searches of Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Newspaper
Source, TOPICSearch, EBSCO Animals, & Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia together
Middle Search  (EBSCO)
Novelist, K-8   Fiction reviews
Primary Search (EBSCO)
Searchasaurus (EBSCO)   access to Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Encyclopedia of
Animals, a general dictionary and encyclopedia in a single search
World Book Kids  (School Edition) World Book Online for Kids (Public Library Edition)
World Book Student  (School Edition) World Book Online Info Finder (Public Library Edition)

Student Resources –  Junior High  and Up
African-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
American Indian Experience (ABC-Clio)
Discovering Collection (Gale)
Encyclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
English Language Learning Reference Center
Latino-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
MAS Ultra School Edition (EBSCO)  magazines and reference materials
Middle Search  (EBSCO)
Novelist K-8  Fiction Reviewing sources
Student Research Center (EBSCO) simultaneous searching of  Middle Search Plus,
MAS Ultra School Edition, Newspaper Source, TOPICSearch, and Health Source –
Consumer Edition
World Book Student  (School Edition) World Book Online Info Finder (Public Library Ed.)
World Book Advanced (School Edition)  World Book Online Reference (Public Library Ed.)
World Book eBook Center  (also available in World Book Advanced, World Book Online Info Finder and World Book Online Reference.
World Book Primary Source Center  (also available through World Book Info Finder and World Book Online Reference.)

Research Lessons and Help


Research Request

If you are a student and need help with research, we are here for you.  Let us know what you are looking for.  If you have been able to locate the book that you need but just can’t access it, we can scan the pages related to your topic and email it to you.  If you need help locating a source, we can help with that as well.  Just fill out the attached form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

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